Workability Asia (WAsia) was created in 2004 as a regional group of Workability International (WI) that WI was created in 1987.
Workability Asia is a network of organizations that provides work and employment opportunities for persons with disabilities in Asia. Work and employment are one of the key issues addressed in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Through employment, we earn a living, build high self esteem and increase participation in the community. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific reports that approximately 650 million persons with disabilities live in Asia and the Pacific. This number is expected to rise over the next decades due to population aging, natural disasters, and other factors. Most live in poverty and have less economic participation. Jobs and employment are one of the best means of overcoming poverty. Workability Asia aims to promote the Incheon Strategy to “Make the Right Real” for persons with disabilities in Asia and the Pacific.
- To expand and strengthen member organizations in coverage of Asia
- To coordinate with International Networks
- To exchange of knowledge and mutual support of the member organizations and International networks mainly to develop personnel and give support for initiation of laws, policies, guidelines plans or good case-studies for generating jobs and promoting employments for Persons with disabilities.
Believe in potential, worth, rights and human dignity of Persons with Disabilities. Mutual support of one and another on an equal basis for creating employments, will lead to independent living with happiness.
Being a leading organization building cooperation among member organizations and International networks for developing potential of member organizations in generating jobs and promoting decent work for Persons with disabilities in Asia.
Knowledge Sharing
Issue newsletters several times a year and deliver to members and non-members as well.
News contents are regional and international topics with regard to disability, work and employment in particular, domestic reports, members’ update, conference or meeting announcements, etc.
Exchange Program
Coordinate study visits or staff training programs among members in specific themes on work and employment of persons with disabilities so as to develop their knowledge and skills.
Study and Research
Conduct study and research on governments’ policies, innovative initiatives by private sectors, etc. in promoting work and employment opportunities of persons with disabilities in Asian region and return its outcome to members and non-members as well.
Have close relations with regional and international organizations, both governmental and non-governmental bodies, who actively contribute to solve a range of problems preventing social inclusion of persons with disabilities especially in the area of work and employment.
WAsia conducts an annual conference hosted by one of its member organizations. This one-of-a-kind conference serves to bring national, regional, and international stakeholders including the employers’ networks, business chambers, UN, INGOs, local CSOs, NGOs, OPDs, and the government together to share the best practices with regard to disability, work and employment, domestic reports, and new advances and research results. The participants are a mix of persons with and without disabilities and come from academia, non-profit organizations, and government bodies and corporates. WAsia conferences create a unique opportunity for collaboration, development of opportunities leading to livelihood of persons with disabilities and strengthen the fraternity of the disability sector.
The conference and the Workability Asia chapter have played significant roles to promote the rights to the employment of persons with disabilities (PwDs) which results in contributing to achieving the aspiration of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, SDG and efforts towards spreading impacts to the entire world.
The 3 day conference includes Plenary discussions from practitioners, government and non-government organizations; speakers from the disability, commerce, government and academic sectors. One day is dedicated to sightseeing the historical landmarks and an exposure visit to organizations working towards employment and skilling of persons with disability in the host country.