Board of Directors of WAsia meet with Mr. Shariff Ahmed, M.P., State Minister of Social Welfare, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and Bangladesh Secretariat.

It was a good opportunity for the Board of Directors at WAsia, to meet and cooperate with Dr. Shamim Ferdous from Bangladesh Protibonhi Foundation and Mr. Abdus Sattar Dulal, Founder and Executive Director of Bangladesh Protibandhi Kallan Somity (BPKS). Together they were privileged to visit Mr. Shariff Ahmed, M.P., State Minister on 26th November 2019.

Firstly Mr. Dulal informed the Minister that Bangladesh has been invited to host the WAsia Conference in 2020, with the opportunity to promote the work of the government of Bangladesh and it’s achievements in caring for people with disabilities. It will also be a good opportunity for people with disabilities in Bangladesh to be involved in the international conference.

Mr. Suporntum Mongkolsawadi, Chairperson of WAsia, explained the history and background of WAsia, and the network of disability organizations who provide work and employment opportunities for people with disabilities in Asia.

The Minister was informed of the mission of WAsia, which is part of Workability International, to share good practice with others, support and promote membership and share ideas by holding and attending the WAsia conference each year; the Minister was introduced to the attending members of WAsia, and informed of the 53 organizations in 14 countries and regions.

Regarding Bangladesh hosting the WAsia Conference 2020, the government of Bangladesh has accepted to be a co-host of the conference, and State Minister, Mr. Shariff Ahmed, M.P., said he would personally support the conference as much as he could.