Workability Asia Conference 2019 @ Macau



WASIA Conference were successfully held in Macau, China in the theme “Promote CSR Increase Social Awareness of Inclusive PWDs Employment” during 20th-21th July 2019. The conference brought together over 200 participants from oversea and local. Not only useful cases and good practice but also insight information and knowledge from various sectors and countries have been sharing among speakers, government official, social workers, academia, social entrepreneur etc.

Board Meeting on 19 July 2019 at Ngai Chun Rehabilitation Service Center (MSO) Macau.

Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony

Sight seeing at Macau Tower from left to right Mr.Hiroshi Ayuha, Mr.Ryunei Sano, Ms.Eileen Lu, Ms.Sakulthip Kiratiphantawong, Ms.Florence Chan and the middle Mr.Suporntum Mongkolsawadi, Chairperson of WAsia

Ms.Sakulthip, the secretary general of WAsia and some of our memberships

Mr.Ram Prasad Dhungana from Nepal and his presentation

The secretariat team and Mr.Walter Sui, the new membership of WAsia

Atmosphere of Annual General Meeting 2019 in Macau

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Let’s Work together for better society !